Andrea Veronese

Andrea Veronese

My name is Andrea Veronese. I am pursuing a PhD in Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience at the University of Camerino, but with actual seat at the University of Padua under the supervision of prof. Samir Suweis.

I obtained my Bachelor’s degree and my Master’s degree both at the University of Padova. During my Master’s studies, I developed a keen interest in the physics of complex systems, and I decided to pursue this field of study in the following part of my career. I’ve worked on my Master’s thesis under the supervision of prof. Amos Maritan and prof. Samir Suweis. My research focused on the emergence of critical behaviour in living systems. The goal was to deeply understand how and why criticality emerges in interacting living systems and how the strategy with which agents of the system interact with each other can influence this critical behaviour through an approach that merges computational modelling and theoretical models.

My PhD project focuses onto bridging the existing gap between the complexity of biophysically-principled models of brain activity and the most common approaches used to analyse and design perturbations, which primarily rely on linear dynamics, by employing effective dynamical models to establish a comprehensive whole-brain response and control theory.

In general, I’m interested in the application of statistical mechanics to complex systems, with a particular focus on living systems and theoretical neuroscience. What truly fascinates me within this research domain is its profound interdisciplinarity and the opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and the complexities of our natural world.

Collaborative LIPh
Collaborative Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics
